

Beyond Hawks and Doves: can inequality ease coordination?, with M. Bigoni and M. Blazquez,  Economic Theory, 2024.

Cartels as Shocks Absorbers: collusion dynamics in times of macroeconomic instability, with T. Forsbacka and C. Marvão, 2025.

Cartels’ birth and death dynamics: empirical evidence, with T. Karlsson and C. Marvão, International Journal of Industrial Organization (Accepted, Feb. 2023).

Scarcity and Consumers’ Credit Choice, with M. Bos and P. van Santen, Theory and Decisions (2021).

Financial Contracts as Coordination Device, with S. Schwenen, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 29 (2), 2020.

Managerial incentives to repeatedly collude: frequency, partners, and governance rules, with C. Marvão, Concurrences-Competition Law Review (4), 2020.

Trust, Leniency, and Deterrence, with M. Bigoni, S.-O. Fridolfsson, and G. Spagnolo, The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 31(4), 663–689, 2015.

On the Effects of Group Identity in Strategic Environments, with J. Tremewan and A. K. Wagner, European Economic Review, 76, 239-252, 2015.

Does Opponents’ Experience Matter? Experimental Evidence from a Quantity Precommitment Game, with J.T Sturluson, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 84(1), 265-277, 2012.

Fines, Leniency, Rewards in Antitrust, with M. Bigoni, S. Fridolfsson, and G. Spagnolo, The Rand Journal of Economics, 43(2), 368-390, 2012.

Do Forward Markets Enhance Competition? Experimental Evidence, with H. Orzen, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 61(3), 415-431, 2006.

Economic Scarcity and Consumers’ Credit Choice, with M. Bos and P. van Santen, Swedish House of Finance Research Paper, No. 16-19, 2016.


Regulation, Compliance, Proximity: Evidence from Nuclear Safety, with M. Amore and S. Schwenen.  CEPR 19022, 2024.

Recommendations for a Future Proof Electricity Market Design in Europe with M. Pollitt, N-H von der Fehr, B. Willems, C.Banet, Energy Policy, 2024.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Nordic Market Model, with S. Schwenen. Handbook on the Economics of Electricity, P. Joskow, M. Pollitt and J.M. Glachant (eds.), Edward Elgar, 2021.

Information Disclosure Rules in the European Electricity Market: An Overview, with E. Lazarczyk, 15th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM18), Łódź, IEEE Xplore. 2018.

Regional impacts of the Russian energy sector, 2018, in Perspectives on the Russian economy under Putin, T. Becker and S. Oxenstierna (eds.), London, Routledge (with Paltseva E. and Volchkova N.).

Pricing and Capacity Provision in Electricity Markets: An Experimental Study, with H. Orzen and S. Schwenen, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 51(2), 123-158, 2017.

Strategic Interaction Via Derivatives: on the use of swaps in electricity markets, with S. Schwenen,  IAEE Energy Forum, 2017.

EU and Russia Gas Relationship at a Crossroads, with E. Paltseva, in Russian Energy and Security up to 2030, Oxenstierna and Tynkkynen (Eds), Routledge, 2013.

The EU-Russia Gas Relationship: A Mutual Dependency, with E. Paltseva, SITE Working Paper Series, No. 18, 2012.

Price Caps and Fluctuating Demand in Electricity Markets: Experimental Evidence of Competitive Bidding, with H. Orzen, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Conference on the European Energy Market, 2012.

Assessing Gas Transit Risks: Russia vs. the EU, with E. Paltseva, Energy Policy, 4 642-650, 2012.

The Length of Contracts and Collusion, with R. Green, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 28(1), 21-29, 2010.

Measuring the Security of External Energy Supply in the European Union, with E. Paltseva, Energy Policy, 37(11), 4474-4481, 2009.

Russian Gas Supply and Common Energy Policy, Baltic Rim Economies, 2/2009, 37-38, 2009.

Index Contracts and Spot Market CompetitionCSEM Working Paper 153, UC Berkeley: Center for the Study of Energy Markets, 2006.

Long-Term Supply Contracts and Collusion in the Electricity MarketsSSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance, No. 552, 2003.

Strategic use of available capacity in the electricity spot market, SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance, No. 496, 2002.


How Do Social Entrepreneurs Respond to Rewards? A Field Experiment on Motivations, with I. Ganguli and M. Huysentruyt. Management Science (2021). FORBES.

New Insights on Social Entrepreneurship and Hybridity from the SEFORΪS Project, Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2018(1):16515 with M.Huysentruyt, T. Rimac, U. Stephan, B. Prokopovych, N. Rather, I. Ganguli, C. Le Coq, C. M. Lernborg, J. Mair, D. Plotnieks.

Collaboration and economic performance: The case of social entrepreneurs in Sweden, with C. Alamaa and C. M. Lernborg, SIR’s Yearbook 2016: Sustainable Development and Business, Chapter 5, M. Kallifatides and L. Lerpold (eds.), 2016.

Mentorship and Social Entrepreneurs. A Field Experiment, with Ina Ganguli and Marieke Huysentruyt (work in progress).