Other Writing


Hedging EU’s “Winter Risk” by Curbing Gas Demand: Solidarity, Nudge, and Market Solutions 2022, FREE Policy Brief

Retail Energy Markets Under Stress, 2022, CERRE report (with Nils-Henrik von der Fehr, Catherine Banet, Michael Pollitt, and Bert Willems)

Green concerns and salience of environmental issues in Eastern Europe, with E. Paltseva,  FREE Policy brief, 2021.

Energy storage: Challenges and Opportunities with J. Andersson, E. Paltseva, S. Strömberg, FREE Policy brief, 2021.

The Nordic Model: beneath the calm, IAEE webinar, with J. Mauritzen and A. S. Siddiqui, 2020.

Covid-19: News for Europe’s Energy Security, with E. Paltseva, FREE Policy brief, 2020.

Participation aux Matinées de la Science, “Les enjeux économiques et sociétaux des énergies renouvelables”, Dec.  2019

Smart Consumers in the Internet of Energy, CERRE report, Nov. 2019, with K. Anaya, M. Giulietti, and B. Willems.

Energy security in transition region, SITE Development Day The long shadow of transition – the state of democracy in Eastern Europe, Nov. 2019

Gas and the electrification of heating &transport: scenarios for 2050, with J. Morega, M. Mulder, S Schwenen, CERRE report, 2018.

Is There a Dutch Disease in Russian Regions, with E. Paltseva and N. Volchkova, FREE Policy Brief Series, 2018.

The Determinants of Renewables Investment, with E. von Sydow, FREE Policy Brief Series, 2017.

Challenges for Natural Gas in the Context of the Energy Union, with S Schwenen, CERRE report, 2017.

Will New Technologies Change the Energy Markets?  with D. Plotnieks, FREE Policy Brief Series, 2016.

Changes in Oil Price and Economic Impacts, with Z. Trkulja, FREE Policy Brief Series, 2015.

Natural gas revolution and small gas-consumer country: The example of Sweden, with L. Källmark, BSR Policy Briefing 1/2015, 2015. (Alternative link)

The Swedish Energy Market, with L. Källmark, in Europe’s Energy Future, D. Engström Stenson (Ed), elf, 2015.

Green Transition: Adapting Markets and Policies, with E. Gyllström, FREE Policy Brief Series, 2014.

Is cutting Russian gas imports too costly for the EU? with E. Paltseva and J. Roine, FREE Policy Brief Series, 2014.

Green energy: a solution for climate change? with E. Paltseva and J. Roine, FREE Policy Brief Series, 2014.

Price Cap or Price Spike? An Experimental Investigation of the electricity market, Elforsk rapport 13:72, 2013.

The European Commission against Gazprom: Should Gas Contracting Arrangement Be Changed? FREE Policy Brief Series, 2013.

Buyer Power as a Tool for EU Energy Security, ​with E. Paltseva, FREE Policy Brief Series, 2012.

Common Energy Policy in the EU: The Moral Hazard of Security of External Supply, with E. Paltseva, SIEPS report, 2008:1, 2008.


Mixing and Matching: The Driving Forces Behind Financing Modes of Social Enterprises, with C. Alamaa, European Commission Policy Brief, 2017.

A first cross-country analysis and profiling of social enterprises, SEFORÏS research consortium, with M. Huysentruyt, J. Mair, T. Rimac and U. Stephan, 2016.

A first analysis and profiling of social enterprises in Sweden, with C. Alamaa and Z. Trkulja, SEFORÏS research consortium, 2016.